Automatic issuance and renewal of SSL Certificates from Lets Encrypt with PowerShell

If you are dealing with SSL Certificates you are surely well aware of LetsEncrypt. It is awesome and it is free. Its one caveat however is the certificate expiry – 3 months. If you are dealing with a lot of certificates the renewals can quickly became cumbersome.
Previously I showcased a script for checking IIS Servers for Expiring Certificates here. Now I’m going to show you a PowerShell script for automated issuance and renewal of LetsEncrypt certificates for IIS.
The script not only handles the issuance of the certificates, but also assigns the acquired certificate to the IIS Site. If a HTTPS binding doesn’t exists it will create one.
The Script requires that ACMESharp is installed.
You should also initialize the ACME Vault and and setup an ACME Registration before running the script. This can be done with these simple commands:
####Import ACME Module
import-module ACMESharp

####Initialize ACME Vault

####Set up new 'account' tied to an email address
New-AcmeRegistration -Contacts "" -AcceptTos | out-null 
I published the project on GitHub, so you can download it from there:
The Script has three parameters:
·         domain - This is the DNS. It should be accessible from the Internet.
·         iisSiteName - This is the Name of the Site as seen in the IIS Management Console.
·         renew - If you are creating a Certificate for this Site for the First time this should be "False". If you are renewing a certificate set it to "True"
Here is an example:
.\PATHTOSCRIPT\Lets-Encrypt_Automate_PowerShell.ps1 -domain "" -iisSiteName "" -renew "False"

Here is the full script. Better yet, go to GitHub and download it from there.
param([string]$domain,[string]$iisSiteName, [string]$renew);

##  domain - This is the DNS of the Site. It should be accessable from the Internet.
##  iisSiteName - This is the Name of the Site as seen in the IIS Management Console.
##  renew - If you are creating a Certificate for this Site for the First time this should be "False". If you are renewing a certificate set it to "True"

##  .\PATHTOSCRIPT\Lets-Encrypt_Automate_PowerShell.ps1 -domain "" -iisSiteName "" -renew "False"

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

####Check if PowerShell is ran as Administrator. IIS is not available without Admin Priviliges
If(-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")){   
    return "This script needs to be run As Administrator"

####Import ACMESharp
    import-module ACMESharp
} catch{
    return "Couldn't load ACMESharp."

####Get script location
$scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$dir = Split-Path $scriptpath

####Fail Variables
$failInvalid = $false
$failOnCert = $false
$finalStatus = "Success"

####The ACME ALias is set to be the same as the Domain.
$alias = $domain

####Cert Paths
$certname = $alias +"_"+"$(get-date -format yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm)"
$pfxfile = "$dir\$certname.pfx"

$SiteFolder = Join-Path -Path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot' -ChildPath $iissitename

$initializevault = $FALSE
$createregistration = $FALSE

#Not used. Left for Reference. If ACME Vault is not initialized it should be before running the script. This is a one time operation.
if($initializevault) {

#Not used. Left for Reference. If there is no ACME Registration you should create on before running the script. This is a one time operation.
if($createregistration) {
    # Set up new 'account' tied to an email address
        New-AcmeRegistration -Contacts "$email" -AcceptTos | out-null
        start-sleep -Seconds 2

####Get Acme Vault
$vault = Get-ACMEVault -VaultProfile :sys

####Change to the Vault folder
cd "C:\ProgramData\ACMESharp\sysVault"

####Check if alias already created. This is obsolete. Left for reference.
#$aliasCheck = $vault.Identifiers | where {$_.Alias -eq $alias}

#    $createalias = $TRUE
#} else {
#    $createalias = $TRUE

###Due to "authorizations for these names not found or expired" error we now create an Alias every time (for both - New Bindings and Renewals). The reason for this
##is that the authorization for the domain is active for one month but the certificates are for 3 months, so alot of users started getting this error after trying
##to renew their certificate after three months.

$createalias = $TRUE

####Generate Random Alias
$alias = $alias +  -join ((1..10) | %{(65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random} | % {[char]$_})


####Check the Request Status is ready before continuing. Keeps checking until Status is Valid or Failed.
function checkReqStatus {
    $statusFull = (Update-ACMEIdentifier $alias -ChallengeType http-01).Challenges
    $statusHTTP = $statusFull | where {$_.Type -eq "http-01"}

    if($statusHTTP.status -eq "Pending"){
        ####Loop Again
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
    } elseif ($statusHTTP.status -eq "Valid"){
        ####Continue with script
    } else {
        $failInvalid = $true

####Check if Certificate is Ready before Downloading. If Certificate is not ready after 5 tries it fails.
function checkCertStatus {
    $certFull = update-AcmeCertificate $certname
        if((!($certFull.IssuerSerialNumber)) -and ($i -le 5)){
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
    } else {
        $failOnCert = $true


####Check if Binding already Exists
$obj = get-webconfiguration "//sites/site[@name='$iissitename']"
$binding = $obj.bindings.Collection | where {(($_.protocol -eq "HTTPS") -and ($_.bindingInformation -eq ("*:443:" + $domain)))}

####Proceed only if there is no such binding or if the renew param is true
if((!($binding)) -or ($renew -eq "True")){

    ##New Alias
        ####Associate a new site
            New-AcmeIdentifier -Dns $domain -Alias $alias -ErrorAction Stop | out-null
        } catch {
            $finalStatus = "Error: AcmeIdentifier already exists or creation failed"
            return "Error: AcmeIdentifier already exists or creation failed"
        start-sleep -Seconds 2

        ####Prove the site exists and is accessible
            Complete-ACMEChallenge $alias -ChallengeType http-01 -Handler iis -HandlerParameters @{WebSiteRef="$iissitename"} -ErrorAction Stop | out-null
        } catch {
            $finalStatus = "Error: ACMEChallenge Complete Failed"
            return "Error: ACMEChallenge Complete Failed"
        start-sleep -Seconds 2

        ####Validate site
        try {
            Submit-ACMEChallenge $alias -ChallengeType http-01 -ErrorAction Stop | out-null
        } catch {
            $finalStatus = "Error: ACMEChallenge Submit Failed"
            return "Error: ACMEChallenge Submit Failed"    

        ####Check until Pending changes to Valid or Invalid

    ##Generate Certificate
    if($failInvalid -eq $false){
        ####Generate a certificate
        New-ACMECertificate ${alias} -Generate -Alias $certname | out-null
        start-sleep -Seconds 2
        ####Submit the certificate
        Submit-ACMECertificate $certname | out-null
        start-sleep -Seconds 2

        ####Check Certificate Status until Certificate is Ready
        $i = 0

        if($failOnCert -eq $false){
            ####Export Certificate to PFX file
            Get-ACMECertificate $certname -ExportPkcs12 $pfxfile | out-null
            start-sleep -Seconds 2
            ####Import Certificate
            $certRootStore = “LocalMachine”
            $certStore = "My"
            $pfx = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
            $store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store($certStore,$certRootStore)
            $certThumbprint = $pfx.Thumbprint

            if($renew -eq "False"){
                ####Create Binding
                    New-WebBinding -Name $iissitename -IPAddress "*" -Port 443 -Protocol "https" -HostHeader $domain -SslFlags 1 -ErrorAction Stop
                } catch{
                    return "Error: New Web Binding Failed"
            ####Set Certificate
            $obj = get-webconfiguration "//sites/site[@name='$iissitename']"
            $binding = $obj.bindings.Collection | where {(($_.protocol -eq "HTTPS") -and ($_.bindingInformation -eq ("*:443:" + $domain)))}
            $method = $binding.Methods["AddSslCertificate"]
            $methodInstance = $method.CreateInstance()
            $methodInstance.Input.SetAttributeValue("certificateHash", $certThumbprint)
            $methodInstance.Input.SetAttributeValue("certificateStoreName", $certStore)
        } else {
            return "Error: Generation of Certificate failed"       

    } else {
        return "Error: ACMEChallenge invalid."

} else {
    return "Error: Binding already exists. Renew Off."
return $finalStatus


  1. Your Github Script link is not working. Goes to an Error 404 page.

    1. Fixed. Sorry for late answer. Turns out Blogger doesn't notify you about new comments in any way unless you check.

  2. Hi George,
    I'm using your script and it works great. I'm trying to generate a cert that would cover both and urls, but I'm struggling with it.

    I've found a hint here but didn't manage to include it in your script.

    1. Hi.
      Happy the script is working for you. This seems like a cool feature. I'm crazy busy lately but will put multiple SANs on the agenda when updating the script.

      We have a similar case with alot of dynamically created DNSs on a single site and we cover it with just making a binding and certificate for each DNS. After all the certificate generation and renewal is automated, so it is not adding any work.

      Also Wildcard certificates are coming to LetsEncrypt in January 2018.


  3. Hi George
    I keep getting the below error. What am I missing? Thanks.

    Submit-ACMECertificate : Error creating new cert :: authorizations for these names not found or expired:
    At C:\WinSfw\LetsEncrypt\Lets-Encrypt_Automate_PowerShell.ps1:168 char:9
    + Submit-ACMECertificate $certname | out-null
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (ACMESharp.Vault.Model.CertificateInfo:CertificateInfo) [Submit-ACMECe
    rtificate], AcmeWebException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : urn:acme:error:unauthorized (403),ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitCertificate

    1. This is on Certificate Renewal right?
      Just pushed an update to the script in Github to fix this.
      The reason for this is that the authorization for the domain is active for one month but the certificates are for 3 months, so you will get this error after trying to renew your certificate after more then one month.
      Now we just authorize the domain every time with new alias.

    2. Hi George
      I am actually testing this on a freshly installed windows. After you uploaded the modified script I kept trying different ways. But I am still getting the same error.

      PS C:\WinSfw\LetsEncrypt> .\Lets-Encrypt_Automate_PowerShell.ps1 -domain "" -iisSiteName "Default Web Site" -renew "False"
      Submit-ACMECertificate : Error creating new cert :: authorizations for these names not found or
      At C:\WinSfw\LetsEncrypt\Lets-Encrypt_Automate_PowerShell.ps1:177 char:9
      + Submit-ACMECertificate $certname | out-null
      + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      + CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (ACMESharp.Vault.Model.CertificateInfo:CertificateInfo) [Submit-ACMECertificate], AcmeWebException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : urn:acme:error:unauthorized (403),ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitCertificate
      PS C:\ProgramData\ACMESharp\sysVault>


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